Terms & Conditions



To help you get the best out of The Murray Hunter School of Dance and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read the following terms and conditions. The language used should make these terms and conditions as clear as possible. The following policies exist to safeguard the wellbeing of our pupils and to ensure that the good name of our studio continues to be associated with the highest quality dance training across all genres of dance in a safe, happy, and disciplined atmosphere. The physical and mental wellbeing of each pupil is at the forefront of our classes, and we believe that the skills learned in dance will be of a huge benefit to them throughout their lives. The Murray Hunter School of Dance reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if these rules are not complied with. The studio will review and amend its policies on a regular basis and advises parents and pupils to read this document thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding is gained. Please contact a member of our team if you require further information. When you register to The Murray Hunter School of Dance it is extremely important that we know about any pre-existing musculoskeletal injuries or medical condition the dancer has. Please advise your teacher before class if you have a new injury or condition teachers should be aware of.

1. Payments and fees 

1.1 In order for a place to be kept open for your child in our classes, payment is required monthly in advance, by subscription only.

1.2 Signing up through our booking system (Class4kids) and setting up a subscription is the only registration and payment method The Murray Hunter School of Dance will accept. We are no longer able to accept cash, cheques, monthly BACS payments or fast track payments. 

1.3 We reserve the right to make changes to these amounts and/or collection date if necessary. In this case, you will be given notice via email prior to collection.

1.4 Fees are reviewed annually. 

1.5 The system we use is Class4Kids. All registrations and payments are set up through this system. 

1.6 Payment will be taken from the account on the 1st of every month. Failure to make payments on time may result losing your place in chosen class(es). If you are having trouble paying, please speak to a member of our team and we will do our best to help. 

1.7 Prices are based over our operating weeks (usually around 42weeks worth of classes) and then calculated equally over 12 months.

1.8 The subscription system ensures everyone pays on time as previously, 70% of fees were paid very late to The Murray Hunter School of Dance, with some not being paid at all. 

1.9 Fees and event payments are non-refundable 

2. Cancellation

2.1 Should your child wish to cancel one of their classes then we require one month’s written notice via email along with fees. (themurrayhunterschoolofdance@hotmail.com)

2.2 All unattended lessons are still payable. 

3. Discounts

3.1 For any pupil who participates in ALL dance classes and styles and is also a part of the competitive side of The Murray Hunter School of Dance will automatically receive a discounted fee of 10%. 

4. Uniform

4.1 With the exception of commercial or hip-hop dance, all classes have a uniform and must be worn in class.

4.2 Hair should be in a neat bun or ponytail for all classes. 

4.3 Correct shoes must be worn to all classes especially tap shoes. The correct footwear (i.e. tap shoes) is imperative for the students to learn progress within their classes. 

4.4 No jewellery or accessories to be worn to The Murray Hunter School of Dance classes for obvious safety reasons. 

4.5 Please look at our uniform list to see what your child should be wearing in class. 

4.6 Students’ names must be written on ALL dance items for example, dance shoes, water bottle (if possible), dance clothing. It is not our responsibility if they go missing.

4.7Any student wishing to take part in our performances will be required to purchase/ hire costumes, tickets etc. 

5. Personal Belongings in Class

5.1 Mobile phones are not allowed to be brought out during classes. Please avoid bringing iPad/Tablets to class. 

5.2 The Murray Hunter School of Dance will not take responsibility for any personal belongs that are lost/broken/misplaced/stolen. 

 6. Discipline 

6.1. Unruly, disruptive behaviour in class will not be tolerated. We have a strict anti-bullying policy in place and expect our students to always adhere to this. 

6.2. We believe in teaching boundaries and setting a good example in line with our positive ethos to build our student’s confidence 

6.3. Our staff will not tolerate abusive or disruptive behaviour from students or parents. We will treat everyone with respect and appreciate the same in return. 

6.4 If a child/parent displays consistent unruly or aggressive behaviour, this could result in termination of class membership. 

Code of Conduct 

Pupils are expected to listen, behave, and follow all instructions in the class. There will be a mutual respect in the class between teacher and pupil. A register will be taken at the start of every class so please ensure that your child is on time to be present at registration. This is for the safety of the pupil especially in the case of an emergency during class as we need to know exactly who is in the class at any given time. The Murray Hunter School of Dance does not discriminate on background, race, or religion, it regularly monitors staff to maintain school teaching policies and adheres to Health and Safety procedures to ensure that each child dances in a class appropriate to their level of development. We shall warm up at the start of the class and it is imperative pupils arrive on time to partake in this for their own safety. Please inform us of any injuries at the start of class. 

The Murray Hunter School of Dance Safety Responsibility 

The Murray Hunter School of Dance is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the pupils in every class this includes all dance injuries and the well-being of the child. The teachers are qualified and will make sure pupils are warm and that the class is at the correct level for the age and ability of each child. 

The Murray Hunter School of Dance shall make sure the wellbeing of each child is at the forefront of every lesson. As with any physical activity there is an element of risk of injury, but the teachers will try to eliminate this risk in terms of warm up, cool down and age-appropriate safe dance practice and teaching. With our wealth of experience and CPD we can keep injuries to a minimum. 

Teaching Responsibilities 

All teachers at The Murray Hunter School of Dance have current Disclosure Scotland checks. We are first aiders and are qualified in dance with The British Association Teachers of Dance teaching qualification. As part of our commitment to the dance school we do at least 24 hours continuous, personal development (CPD) annually, keeping us up to date with the latest teaching methods and ideas. Teaching dance often requires the teacher to place hands on the dancer to facilitate improved placement and to avoid any serious injuries or accidents of the body. Please speak with teachers if you have any questions relating to this. 

COVID – 19 Policy

Your support of the covid safety measures below is invaluable to the dance school, ensuring the safety of everyone always concerned.

  • The Murray Hunter School of Dance will follow all Scottish government guidelines on keeping the pupils safe and the safety of our teachers is of our utmost concern.
  • The Murray Hunter School of Dance shall also be taking guidance from the British Association of Teachers and Dancers on how to keep our pupils and teachers safe.
  • Bo'ness Town Hall shall clean the studio before and after classes.
  • There will be hand sanitisers in and around the town hall and studio space, please use these on entering the classes and afterwards.
  • The Murray Hunter School of Dance shall operate a one-way system and no parents will be allowed to stay in the building during class times to limit the number of parents in the building.
  • The Murray Hunter School of Dance will adhere to all social distances and safety measures.
  • Should the school move to Zoom due to government restrictions there will be no refunds given as lessons will continue with the same high standards on this platform.

The Parents and Pupil’s Responsibility to The Murray Hunter School of Dance

  • All parents must fill in a registration form with emergency contact details and medical information, please do let teachers know in advance of illnesses, injuries and anything that can affect the dancer in dance class.
  • Parents are responsible for informing us of any change of telephone numbers or medical issues.
  • Parents are responsible for their children out with class times, in the changing areas, toilets, car parks and venues.
  • Please be aware other users may use the halls so please respect them and don’t allow your children to run around venues or leave litter, put litter in the bins or take home with you. Some people may be working in the venues so please respect them too.
  • Please label all uniform including dance shoes. We are not responsible for lost property.
  • Please make sure your child is on time for dance class so we can take a register and warm the pupils up properly. (It’s extremely important that the pupils are there at registration and for the warmup)
  • Please ensure your child does not wear jewellery, this is for the safety of your child and others in the room. Please leave jewellery and valuables at home where possible.
  • Please give us 4 weeks’ notice in writing if your child wishes to leave her/his class. We need to take your child off the registers and delete contact details when they do leave to comply with Data Protection.
  • No refunds will be given once fees are paid.

Data Protection

  • We will only ask for your emergency telephone numbers in case of an emergency, your child’s name, and age, we need to know their age to make sure the class they are in is the appropriate one and if they take an BATD exam that they are eligible to sit the exam. The BATD have age restrictions in certain exams. We need to know medical conditions to make the teachers aware of possible illnesses in class or injuries.
  • We will not share your telephone number with third parties. We will be required to share your child’s date of birth with the BATD, and they may need to know of medical conditions when entering for an exam.
  • Please give us 4 weeks’ notice in writing as we will delete all your information when you leave in accordance with Data Protection.
  • We will keep parents’ numbers and child’s information on our phones and computers with a pass code and we will keep any paper copies in a locked file.